Medicine Ceremonies
(group or private)​
Our private medicine ceremonies for one or two people take place in a location of choice, and include screening, online preparation, and integration sessions.
We work with deep respect for the medicine, with a safe and loving energy, intuitively stepping in to what is needed.
Elements Ceremonies
Fire, Water, Earth, Air​
We're guiding ceremonies with the elements to activate our medicine within.
The Elements are powerful teachers, showing us how to connect deeply with ourselves. Our Elemental ceremonies last about 3 hours.
Even though we don't take any medicine, these ceremonies elevate and expand our participant's consciousness, so that the effect tends to be the same as taking medicine.
We honour various indigenous traditions that we have walked with and learned from in our ceremonies.
Elements Within
6-week program with weekly ceremonies​
​Our ‘Elements Within’ program is based on the wisdom we received from the indigenous healers, the medicines, from listening to the fire, the water, the air, and earth.
It involves weekly ceremonies, preparation and integration, working with medicine, the elements, our ancestors, and sacred land.
This is an activation of learning how to work with the elements and spirits without medicine, how to listen to the land, how to release blockages, how to learn to trust, and how to liberate and empower yourself to walk your path.
Week 1 - Sacred Cactus or Mushrooms. Opening, clarity, wholeness.
Week 2 - Earth. The sacred seeds & spirit animals. Your physical body.
Week 3 - Fire. The father. Passion and power. Your mental body.
Ceremony 4 - Ancestors. Healing your ancestral lineage.
Ceremony 5 - Water. The mother. Consciousness and flow. Your emotional body.
Ceremony 6 - Air. Unconditional love. The spirit world. Your spiritual body.
For those of you with land, we work in harmony with and open altars on your land.
It’s designed to help you cleanse and heal the deepest parts of you, remove ancestral blockages, and establish a strong foundation for peace and self-connection.
(Calendly link in group bio)